A series of interactive philosophy workshops for employees, managers and business leaders inspired by ancient Greece including, among others, the presentation of philosophical theories, interactive discussions and team activities.
We analyze the thought and theories of different philosophers, as for example the pre-Socratic philosophers, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics.
We identify in what ways philosophical theories are meaningful to modern times and how they can be practically applied and be relevant to the needs of the business world and the market.
Our aim is to enable participants be more creative, efficient and engaged at work by discussing the challenges faced in the work environment, the ethical issues individuals and companies need to address, employee engagement and maximization of their potential, individual and organizational reputation.
Each workshop lasts for three hours and is organized for 16 participants upon communication and scheduling with the company.
We provide workshop handouts and suggestions for further reading about the philosopher and theories of interest.
This workshop introduces the theories of the three major ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, who shaped western thought in areas such as persuasion and negotiation, the structure of political society, and virtue ethics.
We discuss the ways in which their philosophical principles can be applied in contemporary management and leadership with the aim to enhance employee well-being and performance towards the achievement of individual and collective goals. Also, participants identify which philosopher they are closer to in terms of way of thinking, management style and team leading.
Through reference to the platonic dialogues, we present the method that Socrates used to draw the truth out of the individual rather than “fill an empty vessel.” We examine the types of guided questions he used, known as the dialectical method of inquiry. Participants practise in refining the claims they make, providing definitions for terms, resolving logical inconsistencies. Managers acquire the skills needed to involve and guide the members of their team while engaging them to action through the use of questions in a process of personal clarity. In essence, by using the principles of the Socratic method, managers can draw out the best in individuals while helping them clarify their goals, realize their professional identity and share their vision for mutual benefits.
In this workshop participants get acquainted with Plato’s thought about societal, or political, justice, individual justice, the theory of forms, the structure of the ideal state, the philosopher-king, the distinction between knowledge and opinion. We discuss how the great philosopher suggests that the right people be in the right position and in what ways his thought can inform leadership.
The seminal text of Western philosophy, Nicomachean Ethics, is the focus of this workshop. We present and discuss Aristotle’s ethical theory of virtues, logic and the essence of eudaimonia. Through the analysis and comprehension of the text, participants get acquainted with the process of acquiring the virtues. We justify why virtue ethics concern managers and leaders and how individual virtues affect business ethics.